The NUBA Project
Programs - Unreal Engine | Adobe Substance
My role - Art director
2024 | Computer game | Master project
The project blends analogue and digital artistry in game development, introducing a framework to forge unique visuals. It challenges conventions, offering fresh solutions and insights for game developers and artists. The primary objective is to push the boundaries of conventional game art by integrating custom shaders and materials that replicate analogue textures and aesthetics, fostering a distinct artistic expression within the gaming environment.
Kimchi Princess
Programs - Blender | Photoshop
My role -1st Art director
2024 | Pitch Animation Series | Contract
Kimchi Princess portrays romantic love with a feminist look at the concept of love. It's an answer to the classic Hollywood love story. The prince on the white horse is outdated - in ours story, it is the princess who must save herself. Cindy has a special property that transforms the men she has sexual and/or romantic relationships with become useful kitchen appliances when they cannot fulfill her physical or relational needs. One day the cat Cisco moves in, who quickly becomes her favorite conversational partner the dinner table. Slowly, Cisco begins to question Cindy's ways be in existence on.
Program - Unity | Adobe After Effects
My role - Lead VFX Artist
2023 | Computer game | DADIU
No Table Interactive is a small game studio of 15 students creating games as a part of the 2023 DADIU program. Embark on a journey as the Shepherdess, navigating the ancient underworld to lead departed souls to their ultimate resting place. Utilize the contours of the landscape to gracefully skim and soar above the timeless dunes of the Soul Sea.
Thumbelina Project
Program - Blender | Photoshop
My role - 3D Environment Artist
2022 | Illustration | University research project
Antagonists in games have many roles to fill, especially the villain archetype. Often in storytelling we are met with some sort of antagonist, but specifically when the subject is about villains, there draws a line of how to portray such a character. The project is set in H. C. Andersen Thumbelina and draw upon the already existing narrative. I will be using environmental storytelling, creating my spatial story through four 3D scenes.
Program | Photoshop
My role - Concept Artist Intern
2022 | Computer game | Fabula Studios
Developed in collaboration with researchers, The Tipping Point is a fun and educational game about climate science. You play as an arctic climate researcher and must get off the ice sheet before it collapses. On your way, you will gather and analyze data about the ice sheet, before it is lost.
Program | Photoshop
My role - Concept Artist Intern
2022 | Computer game | Fabula Studios
During my internship I had to create a ice monster for the upcoming game Glacier. Here I had to work together with the Game Director Morten Brunbjerg. In need of visuals of the monster- the only prompt I got was that it was some kind of beast.